Are you a Serious Writer?
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Like to learn how the publishing world works?
Like to read our transcript?
Go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShalladeGuzman/
Read: Seminar with Jerry D. Simmons, a former NY Publishing Executive Message #'s 1468-1489
"Learn the Publishing Business"
Who is Jerry?
Jerry D. Simmons, a former vice president at the former Time Warner Book Group in New York, now known as Hachetter Book Group USA, has more than 25 years experience in the publishing industry.
He is the author of INSIDE The Business of Publishing: What Writers Need to Know and the founder, president and CEO of the information web site for writers, WritersReaders.com
When is our Seminar?
Like to read our transcript?
Go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShalladeGuzman/
Seminar with Jerry D. Simmons, a former NY Publishing Executive Message #'s 1468-1489
Only at the ShalladeGuzman Writers Group
Read Jerry D. Simmons BLOG
Here are the Reading Materials for our Seminar with former New York Publishing Executive, Jerry D. Simmons
1. Please read these before the seminar:
(Twenty Years of Writers Sharing the Secrets of Writing)
For all of Jerry D. Simmons Articles
*click here
All these articles are also posted at the
2. Then, on September 20, you can post any questions you have and former New York Publishing Executive, Jerry D. Simmons will answer them.
*Since Jerry D. Simmons will take the time to thoroughly answer your questions, you may receive your answer that day or the following day*
Like to read transcripts of our latest seminars?
Seminar with Jerry D. Simmons, a former NY Publishing Executive Message #'s 1468-1489
Seminar with Media Coach Susan Harrow "Get Booked on Oprah"
Message #'s 1328-1363
Q&A with Michele Scott Author for Berkley Prime Crime
Messages #'s 1215-1238
Q&A with Producer and former HBO Dev Consultant Taylor Van Arsdale
Messages #’s 1024-1054
Q&A with Manus and Associates Literary Agent Stephanie Lee
Message #'s 908-962
Q&A with Writers House Literary Agent Daniel Lazar
Message #'s 787-812
Q&A with Firebrand Literary Agent Nadia Cornier
Message #'s 1134-1180
For more: http://shalladeguzmandotcom.blogspot.com/
Looking to Submit Your Flash Fiction?
FlashShot Submission Guidelines
New Submission Guidelines for The Hiss Quarterly
101: One Zero One A hypertext fiction magazine which features stories, poetry, art, theory, film, and video.
The Green Muse
Here are Articles for New Writers
Flash FictionWriting Workshop (Get Free Critiques)
Serious writers with a genuine interest in sharing, learning, and working to improve their writing skills are welcome to join us.
To receive further information about the Flash Fiction Writing Workshop, send an email message to:listserv@listserv.uta.edu
and in the message section write only:subscribe FlashFiction-W YourFirstName YourLastName
(Example: subscribe FlashFiction-W John Adamski)
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Classes on various aspects of writing are offered by email on yahoogroups. Each workshop can be taken whenever you have time to read messages, either online or in your mailbox. Lurking is fine, and so is active participation!
Cost is $25 per class, payable by check or PayPal. Click any class for details and registration.