
Blogging: posting pics

Hi everyone, great day today! Southern Cali is so sunny and hot!!! Okay, maybe it's cause I just got back from doing some gardening--transplanting roses, pulling weeds, snipping and trimming plants, etc and just having a fun time with my cats and husband.

Well, just came in for some lunch (veggie Chicken nuggets and rice--mmm :) and some Michael Jackson Reenactments. And guess I'll say it again, love having Tivo. Just zipped thru commercials and played and replayed Mccauley Culkin's testimony that MJ didn't molest him. How clear is that? Enough already Sneddon. Leave the King of Pop alone.
As it stands, I may just be one of Michael Jackson's newest fans. Yes, yes, been watching the trial reenactments (my sister says it's more like an addiction, but I digress) and looks like MJ is innocent after all. Besides that, he's so nice. He takes kids on Toys R Us shopping sprees and enjoys giving gifts.

I looked up the books the prosecution was calling "pornographic" on MJ's office and one's a photo essay (art book) of the Lord of the Flies, a classic novel about kids being stranded on an island. So, of course the kids aren't wearing much clothing if any.
>>One book, called "Boys Will Be Boys," featured an image of fair-haired boys in swimsuits jumping into water. The book contained an inscription written by Jackson: "Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy in these boys' faces, this is the spirit of boyhood, a life I've never had and will always dream of. This is the life I want for my children."

The jury also was shown the cover of a book called "The Boy: A Photographic Essay." It also contained an inscription that said: "To Michael from your (heart symbol) fan, XXXOOO, 'Rhonda."' The note was dated 1983. Smith said both books featured boys "playing, swimming, jumping."<<
Ooops, I guess I digressed to the MJ trial again, s'cuse me. Okay, back to what I was talking about--I just created my first Message Board:
We'll see how that works out. It's just where I can post the latest news in case someone likes to know. Like I'm interviewing Agents and Editors, info from that could be helpful to many writers.
Now, I'm figuring out how to put pictures on Blogs. Hmm. Well I've got it on this post. I wonder how I can put it on my Blog Template... and how to include it whenever I reply to Blogs... hmmm.


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