From the start the ShalladeGuzman Writers Group have been tons of fun and sooo informative. Okay, that's not just for PR. It's true, I'm learning so much.
Like the other day, I'm checking thru our new Message Board and find someone has been posting Market Deals (the latest manuscripts bought by publishers). So I scan thru. Wow. The author of THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, Lauren Weisberger (one of those best sellers) got a 7 figure deal! Movie Deal. What else. Meryl Streep is going to play the lead. Hey :)
That's for her third book which she hasn't even written yet. No title or anything. Cool. That's why I enjoy writing. It's fun sharing weird characters dancing around in my mind, giving them names and stories. But also the Hollywood Aspect and the moolah!
Imagine it. One minute, you're on your computer spewing funny lines (I enjoy writing comedy so much) and before you know it--POOF! Your book's at auction, marketed by a top Agent, getting bids from Movie Makers. I guess it's good to get your book out in auction. I wonder how the process goes... I can probably ask the next Agent guest speaker on SHALLA Q&A.
So, to summarize:
One, if you're looking for an Agent or like to know what's selling, get Publishers Market. Join before June 1st and get it at $15 per month. (They're raising it to $20 after that date)
To look at the ShalladeGuzman Writers Group Message Board and get other Market News: http://www.voy.com/194743/
To Ask top Agents questions, join us for SHALLA Q&A. There's one with Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada June 21. We're going to be at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShalladeGuzman/
To our successes! Terrific Market Deals! Best Selling Novels!
Lost of fun writing, all the time!!!
Like the other day, I'm checking thru our new Message Board and find someone has been posting Market Deals (the latest manuscripts bought by publishers). So I scan thru. Wow. The author of THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, Lauren Weisberger (one of those best sellers) got a 7 figure deal! Movie Deal. What else. Meryl Streep is going to play the lead. Hey :)
That's for her third book which she hasn't even written yet. No title or anything. Cool. That's why I enjoy writing. It's fun sharing weird characters dancing around in my mind, giving them names and stories. But also the Hollywood Aspect and the moolah!
Imagine it. One minute, you're on your computer spewing funny lines (I enjoy writing comedy so much) and before you know it--POOF! Your book's at auction, marketed by a top Agent, getting bids from Movie Makers. I guess it's good to get your book out in auction. I wonder how the process goes... I can probably ask the next Agent guest speaker on SHALLA Q&A.
So, to summarize:
One, if you're looking for an Agent or like to know what's selling, get Publishers Market. Join before June 1st and get it at $15 per month. (They're raising it to $20 after that date)
To look at the ShalladeGuzman Writers Group Message Board and get other Market News: http://www.voy.com/194743/
To Ask top Agents questions, join us for SHALLA Q&A. There's one with Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada June 21. We're going to be at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShalladeGuzman/
To our successes! Terrific Market Deals! Best Selling Novels!
Lost of fun writing, all the time!!!