It's always a great time to celebrate. There's always something to celebrate. And I know it's not Thanksgiving but I would like to thank God/the Universe/All-that-Is/etc for Tivo. Last night, I watched a 1927 Silent, The First Auto, and it was goood, entertaining, informative and insightful to how life was just a century ago. Chas E. Mack was in it and what a great actor ie. cute.
Anyway, here's an idea for researching history: watch it on TV (and take notes, if you like). For instance, like to learn how life was during the Depression? (circa 30's. Market Crash Oct. 24, 1929) You can go online and look it up under "1920's market crash" or Tivo it. A Biography of America
For me, watching it on screen, I can imagine myself and/or my characters entering that world, living, experiencing whatever it is. Who ever said TV was no good? Well, it depends on what you watch :)
Well, educational or not, TV entertains. For that I'd like to thank the universe for TV too and since we're at it, I'd like to thank the universe for its beauty (flowers I got from Walmart are blooming in my garden :), its love (everyone's celebrating with milk and brownies at my house :) and it's great abundance (money's always coming, right? :)
Oh, and, here's a new blog A Slide of Orange by OCC/RWA
HAPPY Independence Day!