Hi writers,
This is especially for Romance Writers, I found these new sites just for you!
As it turns out, our featured author, Sally Painter, is co-owner of World Romance Writers, an all inclusive writers group founded in 1999. These days she focuses her attention on writing, WRW and her new radio show.
More on Sally Painter
Her 'other world' encounters began as a child. In 1987, she started one of the most exciting adventures in her life when she participated as a subject in a three-year paranormal research study of various subjects, including psychometry, past life regressions and future life progressions.
Her radio show, Midnight Hour, will air via the Internet, every Wednesday night at 12 Midnight, USA EST beginning July 6th. www.sallysmidnighthour.com
FYI: Click on the LISTEN link or the Radio Mic. It is a 24/7 radio station so there's always something on, either music or a talk show. The station has 10 million listeners which is pretty amazing!
The two remaining guests for July are:
Jennifer Dunne (an author/psychic abilities)
Eve Vaughn, Author
August -
Maureen Wood - Psychic investigator and ghost hunter
Bev Haynes - Author and Reiki Master
Barbara Sheridan - Author
Susan Kearney - Author
Dee Knight - Author
In September, Kathy Hasty, Bereavement Medium will be returning for another great hour.
Jennifer Dunne (an author/psychic abilities)
Eve Vaughn, Author
August -
Maureen Wood - Psychic investigator and ghost hunter
Bev Haynes - Author and Reiki Master
Barbara Sheridan - Author
Susan Kearney - Author
Dee Knight - Author
In September, Kathy Hasty, Bereavement Medium will be returning for another great hour.
For October, Executive Film Producer, Author and International Lecturer, Salle Redfield, wife of James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, as a guest. She will be talking about their latest project, The Celestine Prophecy, The Movie. It will be a super show.
Join Sally Painter on Yahoo EMAIL List to discuss fantasy, paranormal and the weird in fiction and beyond.