Who's Daniel Lazar?
Daniel Lazar is an agent at Writers House, a New York literary agency that represents such authors as Nora Roberts, Ken Follett, Stephen Hawking, Neil Gaiman, and Christopher Paolini.
During his time at the agency, Dan has served as assistant to Writers House chairman Albert Zuckerman.
He is now building his own client list of literary and commercial fiction, women's fiction, gay and lesbian, young adult and narrative non-fiction authors.
I've been with Writers House for 3 years now and am eagerly building my own client list. I'm a great fan of superb, distinct commercial and literary fiction, smart women's fiction, gay & lesbian and YA fiction. I'd also love to see lively, fun narrative non-fiction -- memoirs, pop-culture or even those quirky little gift books that will make me snort and smile. If you think I'll laugh out loud and/or miss my subway stop reading your pages, I'd love to hear from you.
I can be reached by regular mail or email -- no attachments unless I request your work. Send a concise query letter (feel free to throw in 3-5 sample pages) with SASE.
My response time is one minute to several weeks.And please, dear writers, don't send your manuscript double sealed in bubble wrap. It's paper, not anthrax.
Daniel LazarWriters House
21 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10010
Daniel Lazar was recently mentioned in Nadia Cornier's Blog
Curious of the difference between literary vs. commercial fiction, I looked it up and found a very helpful interview with Literary Agent Sam Stoloff from the Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Here's the Interview with Sam Stoloff
Shalla in Mad Hatters Review?