
NEWS FLASH! Shalla de Guzman Writers Group -- We're On Summer Break Until Mid-August

hi writers! agents, editors, readers...

Whew! We just did 3 Q&A's this month, July:

Chick lit author, Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Elloras Cave author and radio personality, Sally Painter
Writers House Literary Agent Daniel Lazar

To read back their answers and info, please log onto our group:

Then click on "Messages"

So now what?
You're cordially invited to our next Q&A with another top literaryAgent, Stephanie Lee. Her bio is impressive and her agency, the Manus and Associates Literary Agency is very good ie. High standards. Impressive client list, etc.

Here's more on our Q&A with Stephanie Lee
So get your questions ready, our Q&A with Literary Agent Stephanie Lee is August 24.

Before then, we're taking time off.
I'll be moderating the writers group occasionally (every two weeks or so, but we'll be in full swing August 24 for our Q&A, so, please, don't miss it).

In case you need to post something for the group ASAP, please consider posting it on our public message board:

So, to summarize, join us for our next Q&A with Lit Agent StephanieLee, August 24
In September, we have editors from Books Unbound coming to tell us what they're looking for
October, we have another top Literary Agent coming

Our featured Literary Agents and Editors are okayed by Predators andEditors Here's a good List of Agents.

So, for now, I'm editing my latest superfabulous,
future award winning,
NY Times best-seller for at least 52 weeks, my magical manuscript that will make billions in US dollars and Euro.
Also, I've got new spark plugs, ready to give my '87 MR2/super car a tune-up to help it pass the smog test.
C'est la vie!

For the latest keep tuning in.

See you at our next hit Q&A!

Cheers :)

If you have a website, get it out to the google search engine:


Hotly Anticipated! Q&A with Lit. Agent Daniel Lazar Wednesday

***join us***we love shalla***join us***we love shalla***

Who's Daniel Lazar?

Daniel Lazar is an agent at Writers House, a New York literary agency that represents such authors as Nora Roberts, Ken Follett, Stephen Hawking, Neil Gaiman, and Christopher Paolini.

During his time at the agency, Dan has served as assistant to Writers House chairman Albert Zuckerman.

He is now building his own client list of literary and commercial fiction, women's fiction, gay and lesbian, young adult and narrative non-fiction authors.

I've been with Writers House for 3 years now and am eagerly building my own client list. I'm a great fan of superb, distinct commercial and literary fiction, smart women's fiction, gay & lesbian and YA fiction. I'd also love to see lively, fun narrative non-fiction -- memoirs, pop-culture or even those quirky little gift books that will make me snort and smile. If you think I'll laugh out loud and/or miss my subway stop reading your pages, I'd love to hear from you.

I can be reached by regular mail or email -- no attachments unless I request your work. Send a concise query letter (feel free to throw in 3-5 sample pages) with SASE.

My response time is one minute to several weeks.And please, dear writers, don't send your manuscript double sealed in bubble wrap. It's paper, not anthrax.

Daniel LazarWriters House
21 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10010

Daniel Lazar was recently mentioned in Nadia Cornier's Blog

Curious of the difference between literary vs. commercial fiction, I looked it up and found a very helpful interview with Literary Agent Sam Stoloff from the Frances Goldin Literary Agency


Issue 6

Shalla's Interview now on A Slice of Orange

My SHALLA CHATS interview with Acquiring Editor, Natasha Panza is up on the new OCC/RWA Blog -- A Slice of Orange

I just checked it out and it looks stupenduos! Everytime something of mine gets published, I get sooo happy :) --feels just like the first time, every time.


Romance Divas and World Romance Writers

Hi writers,

This is especially for Romance Writers, I found these new sites just for you!

As it turns out, our featured author, Sally Painter, is co-owner of World Romance Writers, an all inclusive writers group founded in 1999. These days she focuses her attention on writing, WRW and her new radio show.
More on Sally Painter
Her 'other world' encounters began as a child. In 1987, she started one of the most exciting adventures in her life when she participated as a subject in a three-year paranormal research study of various subjects, including psychometry, past life regressions and future life progressions.

Her radio show, Midnight Hour, will air via the Internet, every Wednesday night at 12 Midnight, USA EST beginning July 6th.
FYI: Click on the LISTEN link or the Radio Mic. It is a 24/7 radio station so there's always something on, either music or a talk show. The station has 10 million listeners which is pretty amazing!
The two remaining guests for July are:
Jennifer Dunne (an author/psychic abilities)
Eve Vaughn, Author
August -
Maureen Wood - Psychic investigator and ghost hunter
Bev Haynes - Author and Reiki Master
Barbara Sheridan - Author
Susan Kearney - Author
Dee Knight - Author
In September, Kathy Hasty, Bereavement Medium will be returning for another great hour.
For October, Executive Film Producer, Author and International Lecturer, Salle Redfield, wife of James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, as a guest. She will be talking about their latest project, The Celestine Prophecy, The Movie. It will be a super show.

You can visit Sally and learn about her books at
Join Sally Painter on Yahoo EMAIL List to discuss fantasy, paranormal and the weird in fiction and beyond.


SnarkSpot--A Blog and Writers Groups

Writers Groups

Also, I just found out about this ASJA (American Society of Journalists and Authors)

The American Society of Journalists and Authors helps professional freelance writers advance their writing careers. Members share candid data on writing rates, publishing contracts, editors, agents and more. Non-members benefit from our Contracts Watch newsletter, annual writers conference and writing resources. Editors and others can search our membership to hire experienced authors and journalists.

National Book Critics Circle

Useful Book and Criticism-Related Links

Interview with Lauren Baratz-Logsted

SHALLA Q&A with author of Thin Pink Line, Lauren Baratz-Logsted

When? July 12 only at the

ShalladeGuzman Writers Group.


Missed the date? Join us, search our Message Archive, it's on there :)

Rave Reviews

Fresh Fiction

Romantic Times Book Club

Amazon Average Customer Review

AOL's Book Maven Review July 6, 2005
Like to ask Lauren about Agents?
Here's an Article she wrote
As for handling rejection letters, Lauren suggests checking out
And for Lauren's words of wisdom, especially for new writers...
Words of wisdom: 1) write the stories you feel a passion to tell, regardless of what anyone else thinks; 2) stay alive and keep putting one foot in front of the other, because the only person who can ever take you out of the game is you.


SHALLA NEWS: Interviews, Chats, Oh Me, Oh My!

Coming Soon

Q&A with top Literary Agents.

We're talking to an agent from Writers House. Heard of them? Writers House represent such best selling authors as Nora Roberts, VC Andrews, Ken Follet, JD Robb, and much more.

July 20 Q&A with Writers House Agent Daniel Lazar

Aug 24 Q&A with Manus & Associates Literary Agent Stephanie Lee

Where? Only at the ShalladeGuzman Writers Group. JOIN US :)

As for the latest SHALLA NEWS :)

The new OCC/RWA Blog, Slice of Orange, will be featuring my SHALLA CHATS with Acquiring Editor from Tor/Forge July 15


HAPPY 4th! I wish Independence for All :)


It's always a great time to celebrate. There's always something to celebrate. And I know it's not Thanksgiving but I would like to thank God/the Universe/All-that-Is/etc for Tivo. Last night, I watched a 1927 Silent, The First Auto, and it was goood, entertaining, informative and insightful to how life was just a century ago. Chas E. Mack was in it and what a great actor ie. cute.

Anyway, here's an idea for researching history: watch it on TV (and take notes, if you like). For instance, like to learn how life was during the Depression? (circa 30's. Market Crash Oct. 24, 1929) You can go online and look it up under "1920's market crash" or Tivo it. A Biography of America
For me, watching it on screen, I can imagine myself and/or my characters entering that world, living, experiencing whatever it is. Who ever said TV was no good? Well, it depends on what you watch :)

Well, educational or not, TV entertains. For that I'd like to thank the universe for TV too and since we're at it, I'd like to thank the universe for its beauty (flowers I got from Walmart are blooming in my garden :), its love (everyone's celebrating with milk and brownies at my house :) and it's great abundance (money's always coming, right? :)

Oh, and, here's a new blog A Slide of Orange by OCC/RWA

HAPPY Independence Day!

Thanks for Visiting!

Come back soon and check out my Best Sellers :)

Questions? Compliments? (I like getting kind emails :)

Please title emails with "Hi Shalla" otherwise they might get deleted.

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