
Writing SHALLA CHATS = good karma :)

hi everyone!
Southern Cali's lovely today, clear skies... and I just pulled out weeds off our lawn and I'm cleaning and fixing the yard up for Spring! Everything's wonderful... and I say, it's cause of the great, positive energy I've been generating with SHALLA CHATS.
I've been interviewing published writers, even agents and then I submit them to newsletters and writer's groups and for online posting. It's great publicity for the them (writers, agents etc) and helpful for me too. I've got my bi-line on the articles and link to my shalladeguzman.com plus, I'm really enjoying myself meeting all these successful people. (I'm in a small town almost two hours from LA, so it's usually just me and pets during the day) Meeting all these new individuals and getting the inside scoop on writing and getting novels published is great!
oh yeah, I said writing SHALLA CHATS is good karma. Why? Good things are happening, like this morning, one of my dogs, Alex, disappears. He's big, chao-golden retriever. So I'm calling for him. I've got my two other dogs, labradors, waiting with me, when an SUV pulls up and this woman asks, "Are you missing a dog?"
"Yes, he was just here...I--"
"My husband and I found him. He was wandering the streets."
Wow, could it really be Alex? Keeping my eyes directly on hers, I ask, just to make sure, "Big yellow dog?"
"Yes. My husband's with him now, trying to find the owner."
Anyway, as it turns out, Alex sat on the front porch of the house and wouldn't move. The nice woman and her husband turn out to be our new neighbor so what a great way to meet them.
Everything turns out perfectly. Alex is well and we've got the nicest neighbors.
Then, half an hour later, after the pets and I have all settled in, the doorbell rings. Turns out another neighbor baked a pie and had extras and decided to give us a huge portion.
All in all, it's been a perfect day and it's not even noon.
I feel it's the positive, loving energy generated with SHALLA CHATS. How? I've kept my intensions clear and loving: I'll do interviews that helps others to promote themselves. I trust that positive energy from that will spill into my life, renewing it, revitalizing, energizing.
It's true what we send out (our intention not the act), comes back ten-fold or more.
As for my examples, it's not just the free pie or someone helping out with my dog, it's the fantastic, beautiful feeling that everything's right in the world. And I'm in a peaceful, serene, loving place.

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