
I can't believe it--SHALLA Magazine is now at amazon!

The picture looks great, terrific actually, colors are fine, true to the book.

I like CS, needed a little tweaking here and there--their customer service has improved since I started working with them almost 2 months ago. It's amazing, people who answer the phones seem to know what they're doing now.

That's how amazon lists our beloved SHALLA Magazines

What am I doing to promote SHALLA Magazine?

I'm starting a SHALLA Radio, where I'm interviewing literary agents, editors, publishers, writers, artists, etc. (It's not even promotion per se, I just like to talk, and it's nice when someone's actually listening, in this case anyone from anywhere in the world!)

I'm already talking to a couple of literary agents interested in doing the interview. It's good for them (they're looking for clients), it's good for me (gets the word about SHALLA Magazine and me, Shalla DeGuzman, out there. Plus I get to meet all these interesting, exciting people in the publishing world.)

Anyone interested in doing an interview (to be podcasted, maybe put in a CD, YouTube, etc), just email me at with a short bio of you, what book(s) you've already published, what you like to talk about, your phone number where I can call you--if you have Skype, the better, land line good too so you don't use your minutes on your cell phone--make the title of your email, "hi Shalla-radio show" otherwise, it might get deleted... it probably will be deleted without the right emails.

Although, I figured out what to do with spammers. I spam them right back, with the news--buy SHALLA Magazine!

I know they'll love reading SHALLA Magazine anyway. Everyone will. What makes me say that is--remember the 20 not-so-good-copies of SHALLA Magazine I had ordered out of panic? (my blog right before this one)

Well, last night, after I gave my mother a copy of the magazine, asking her that if she found any mistakes in it such as misspellings (oh, God, I hope not!) to please tell me--I stepped out of the room for about 20 minutes and when I returned, I actually found 4 of my aunts sifting through copies of my magazine, really interested like.

Now, if family can be that interested in my magazine, finding it that exiciting--I rule the world! Master of the Universe! Ha-ha-ha, SHALLA! Master of the Universe! SHALLA Magazine, infiltrating the senses, SHALLA Magazine, better than watching TV, even better than Tivo (wow!)

I even got my cousin Ken to become my fan--okay, some people may call it harassment (or not), but this is how it went:

Hey Ken, are you my fan?
Are you my fan?
Oh, you know you are, are you my fan?
Anyway, eventually he said yes. Now, some may say he didn't really mean it, but we know the truth--KEN IS MY FA-AN! KEN IS MY FA-AN! And since Ken is part of the world, I'd say the world is my fan! The world is my fa-an! ...okay, I'm gonna have breakfast now...


Behind the Scenes: Shalla, what exactly happened behind the scenes?


You're Invited!

Join our SHALLA Magazine book signing at
SDSU Writers' Conference 2010

Saturday, January 30, 6-7:30 pm

In the Grand Ballroom of the
Doubletree Hotel, Mission Valley

Pasted from <>

Okay, so I was editing and revising 5 issues of SHALLA Magazine for publication, then POW! I found out there's this book signing I can go to. I've already paid for the conference anyway (almost $500 ) and if I had a book, I can do a book signing there for free. Great, I like free.

But conflict! It was going to be in 4 weeks! I had 4 weeks to approve the proofs, get it printed and mailed to me. So, panic set in.

Lesson learned: Never listen to your panicky self. Remember when you're panicking to stop panicking.

Easier to see in hindsight, but yes, I did, I admit it, I rushed in and approved 2 proofs for 2 magazine issues. Then ordered 20 copies of the books, just enough so I can have something to sign at the book signing.

Conflict! Then, after a day or two, I realized, I haven't spell checked! And it was in white paper, I wanted it in cream! So, still panicky, I did it again. Updated the file, ordered a proof copy and ordered 16 more to sign at the book signing.

All good, right? Well, when the books and proof arrived (at the same time) the front cover was redder than I had wanted….

In the end, it all arrived pretty early, I still have 2.5 weeks before the book signing and I have 36 copies that I would not have approved of have I relaxed and calmly ordered the books.

But, I believe everything will always turn out for the best. So, what can I do with these 36 copies of not-exactly-the -look-for-the books-I-wanted?

I'm doing a raffle, anyone who buys my other book can win a copy of SHALLA Magazine. I'll also be handing them out to people at the conference, more likely to literary agents, editors and publishers who's interested in doing a Q&A for or It's going to be like my calling card, since it's got my picture on the cover, the website address, even the twitter address.

Plus, my sister said, if I still have any extra copies, I can give her one and friends or family who'd like a copy. If I still have any left over (there's only 36) my sister suggests I give them away as gifts. You know--oh, it's cousin so-and-so's birthday--happy birthday! Here's a copy of SHALLA Magazine just for you!

And how about those wonderful people who's bought a copy of SHALLA Magazine in this condition?

I say, you've just bought yourself some gold bullions! SHALLA Magazine in the not-exactly-the -look-for-the books-I-wanted condition qualifies it as a collectible!

Think about it, there are only 36 copies out there of this particular SHALLA Magazine around, ever! You better wish for SHALLA Magazine's super stardom, or mine, or any of the authors featured in the issue because if even just one of us makes it big (the bigger the better) the more valuable your copy of SHALLA Magazine will be.

And I wish for you millions and billions of U.S. dollars and Euro, coming showering down, depositing themselves into your bank account, all legal, all up-and-up, all yours. Prosperity, riches, all the money you'll ever need and want.

And if that doesn't work out, you've still got your copy of SHALLA Magazine--one you can snuggle next to, giving you good vibes, making you feel all warm and cozy. Love, peace, happiness, and entertainment.

You're bored? Turn to page 9. Need some romance in your life, turn to page 21, that will set you straight and get you into thinking differently.

You like drama? Horror? Something deliciously sinful… well, you're so lucky if you bought a copy of SHALLA Magazine. Which issue? It doesn't even matter.


Get Your SHALLA Magazines!!!

Like to get your work published?

This is Shalla DeGuzman of our ShallaDeGuzman Writers Group, and yes, I've turned publisher too.

We're publishing short stories, fiction, poetry, etc.
Please check our submission guidelines

If you like to see our latest books: SHALLA Magazine: Blank Canvas


SHALLA Magazine: Pop Art

Both will be out in in a few weeks but get them at our e-store for 10% OFF with coupon code WEP6SWY5

Here's our SHALLA Magazine e-store

*When you get published in SHALLA Magazine, you can do book signings too...

You're Invited!

Join our SHALLA Magazine book signing at
SDSU Writers' Conference 2010


Saturday, January 30, 6-7:30 pm


In the Grand Ballroom of the Doubletree Hotel, Mission Valley


Like to see all the latest SHALLA Magazine covers?

Thanks for purchasing your SHALLA Magazines!


Shalla DeGuzman


JOIN SHALLA: Join our SHALLA Magazine book signing

You're Invited!

Join our SHALLA Magazine book signing at

SDSU Writers' Conference 2010


Saturday, January 30, 6-7:30 pm


In the Grand Ballroom of the Doubletree Hotel, Mission Valley
Like to see all the latest SHALLA Magazine covers?

Bonus Articles

40+ Ways to Make Your NextBook Signing an EVENT!!
Part 1 of 4
Larry James


Thanks for Visiting!

Come back soon and check out my Best Sellers :)

Questions? Compliments? (I like getting kind emails :)

Please title emails with "Hi Shalla" otherwise they might get deleted.

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